
One of the greatest new features provided by OpenAPI 3.1 is the support of webhooks. Indeed, a OpenAPI 3.1 documentation may include paths and / or webhooks, when paths were required for previous version.

Every webhook has a required keyName, and some operations. If we follow this example, provided for OpenAPI 3.1 by OpenAPI Initiative:

  # Each webhook needs a name
    # This is a Path Item Object, the only difference is that the request is initiated by the API provider
      description: A new pet arrived, let's come and discover it IRL.
        description: Information about a new pet in the system
              $ref: "#/components/schemas/Pet"
          description: Return a 200 status to indicate that the data was received successfully

Here, there is a single webhook whom keyName is newPet, and a POST operation. If such a documentation was generated by Bump (see live documentation):

Example webhook rendering

Furthermore, webhooks are fully compatible with UI customization How to group operations?

By adding some tags to your webhooks, you can re-organize how webhooks are named, sorted, and how webhooks operations are sorted.