
Love Cycle - April 24


We have a tradition of scheduling what we call Love Cycles between our development cycles: times dedicated to improving Bump.sh, responding to specific user requests that we find relevant, and providing a general polish.

Our last Love Cycle has recently ended, and we wanted to share with you all the small changes we’ve made. If you have a feature in mind or a need, don’t hesitate to share your feedback with us at hello (at) bump.sh!


  • Overlay Support: Overlay is a new feature (beta) of OpenAPI that allows applying a layer over an API document without modifying it, to adapt to a specific context. Now supported by Bump.sh, we also added to our CLI a new command. Feel free to read our recent guide on the topic!
  • Examples will now display correctly regardless of the chosen format. Bonus for those in XML which will also display the appropriate highlight.
  • [OpenAPI] Improved support for externalValue which now displays a link to the designated resource.
  • When using the GitHub Action for a diff, we now add a link to the preview of the result directly in the PR.

Quality of Life:

  • We have improved the appearance of highlights during navigation on documentation, to make them more visible and comfortable.
  • Navigation has been improved for logged-in users, by adding buttons for quick return to the Dashboard.
  • From now on, the timestamp of your deploys and other actions will be based on your browser’s timezone instead of GMT+1 by default.
  • We have added and modified some warning messages to make them more explicit.



  • We resolved the issue with discriminator values not always mapping correctly in certain specific cases. Special thanks to Phil Sturgeon for pointing it out and having a thorough discussion about discriminators with the team.
  • The generation of some API keys was not always going smoothly, but this is now fixed.
  • [AsyncAPI] The binding support is now properly applied at the channel level.